1 min readJan 15, 2018


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I like simplicity. When looking for a new blogging platform, I wanted easy, I wanted clean, and I wanted free (I settled for cheap). I also wanted to use a custom domain.

Wordpress is the top dog in the world of blogging. This is clear. However, to use a custom domain (my precious damien.ie) a Personal paid plan is needed which starts at €4/month.

Blogger and Tumblr offer completely free blogs, and you can use a custom domain. However, they seemed bloated, slow, and clunky. Here’s what I mean:

I have only great things to say about Medium, and I recommend everyone sign up and check out the wealth of information available. I mentioned before how it didn’t suit me as a blogging platform. But also, Medium recently stopped supporting custom domains.

After some Googling, I stumbled onto write.as. Minimal, clean, simple. Markdown editing is really neat too. However, there was 1 drawback — custom domains were not available on the free tier. A $10/year “Casual” plan would be needed. I obliged, and here we are.

Here’s to hoping it helps me get in the habit of posting regular content.


#personal #blog

